All organizations with SAP go through Accounts Payable analysis, and entire books have been written on the topic. In this hands-on lab, we accelerate the analysis by ingesting simulated SAP data into Snowflake using Fivetran, and identifying duplicates by leveraging a Snowflake Native App from the Snowflake Marketplace, built by NTT Data.

In this instructor-led session, you will learn:

  • How to ingest (mocked up) SAP Accounts Payable data into Snowflake using Fivetran
  • How to leverage Snowflake Marketplace to install NTT Data’s Snowflake Native App
  • How to use the app to quickly identify duplicates in AP data ingested


In Partnership with:


  • Ripu Jain

    Senior Partner Sales Engineer

  • Ashay Dhavale

    Cloud Architect
    NTT Data

  • Tony Kelly

    Senior Partner Sales Engineer

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