2 April 2025
STUG Perth
What is STUG?
STUG (short for Snowflake Technical User Group) is a community owned Snowflake Technical User Group. STUG was started in 2023 in Perth, Australia by a group of Snowflake evangelists that has a vision of creating a local community for Snowflake Technical Users, Advocates, Champions or really anyone interested in learning more. “STUG” wanted to be different, so we set out to achieve simply that. The following is our set of principles:
Principle 1: Own It
This user group decided being “different” means having core principles that define who we are and how we approach things. For starters, the user group is owned by the STUG community and has been created for the sole purpose of benefiting the STUG community. This means that the community really drives the growth, direction and adoption of the user group without any external powers of influence. A chapter leadership structure has been created to effectively manage the user group and will be voted in on an annual basis. Some roles will rely on Snowflake Local Team Resources, all other roles are voted in from the community.
Principle 2: Empower & Share
As a Snowflake Technical User Group we want to ensure that we are enabling the community. That translates into building and empowering users, advocates and champions. For starters we take the word “technical” to heart, and will ensure that content is geared towards educating members on the technology or supporting technologies (yes of course supporting technology is welcome – we love the ecosystem we live in!). We also aim to bridge the gap between users, implementation partners and technology partners so that we are creating a community where answers are within reach and building relationships within the community is easy. We encourage for there to be strong collaboration and experience sharing within the community and by taking part we encourage members to share success stories, insights, knowledge and learnings with the community for all to benefit.
Principle 3: Build Future Leaders
It is also important that we support the professional careers of community members and we enable this by enabling and empowering user group members to build their public speaking and presentation skills by presenting content and user group events, leading and organising user group activities/events and for the leaders of tomorrow to become members of the user group leadership roles.
Principle 4: Have Fun & Give Back
We also want to ensure that people don’t just get together to talk shop, we want to make this fun, so STUG is designed to be social in nature, with many events aimed at gathering the community just for the purpose of socialising. It’s also fun to give back, not to mention good karma, so STUG members can choose to partake in community ‘give back’ events and projects.
Principle 5: Keep It Accessible
We want to make sure that it is accessible without boundaries, it is free to become a member and to attend events – funding will be from sponsors only in order to enable this. This sponsorship comes from various technology partners and implementation partners who, like us, also love the Tech of Snowflake and are happy to support this community. Of course Snowflake is a sponsor, but one of many. By signing up to the user group you are part of the community and will get notified of all our events.
Role Description: Responsible for General STUG Leadership & Management
Owned By: Community
Community, Sponsorship & Social Media
Role Description: Responsible for Organising Social Events, Sponsorship, Funding and Managing Social Media Profiles
Owned By: Community
Marketing & Promotions
Role Description: Running marketing promotions for user group and user group events
Owned By: Snowflake
Role Description: Responsible for driving education and knowledge in the community in the context of course, hands on labs, certification and data heroes program
Owned By: Community
Role Description: Responsible for Website, Newsletter & Discord
Owned By: Community
Technical SWAT
Role Description: Responsible for Technical Leadership, Curation and Support Community Leads, Roadmaps
Owned By: Snowflake
Technical Community Leads (Stream Specialist & Organise & Curate Stream Content)
Responsible to be a single Stream Specialist & Organise & Curate Stream Content & Build and Promote Stream
Owned By: Community
Stream: Data Strategy & Analytics
Stream: Data Engineering
Stream: ML & AI
Stream: Applications & Powered By
Stream: Collaboration
Stream: Security, Governance, Cyber