Introducing Polaris Catalog

An open source catalog for Apache Iceberg

A guys pointing on a screen with analytical data

Snowflake for

Financial Reporting

Finance leaders are under pressure to deliver higher-quality reporting more quickly in an environment of technological change, evolving regulatory requirements, and increased oversight. However, data silos continue to create inefficiencies and barriers to generating valuable insights that could drive financial performance and help achieve core business objectives. Snowflake's Data Cloud helps thousands of financial professionals unify disparate data to improve payment integrity and provide real-time insights for accurate reporting and forecasting.

Guy holding a phone in front of a laptop, both screens have analytical information desplaying.


How to Optimize Your Analytics with Data Science on Snowflake

How St. James’s Place Wealth Management Ensures Regulatory Compliance with Snowflake

For financial services organizations, maintaining regulatory compliance is everything. Barney Eccleson, Head of Data Engineering at St. James’s Place, explained how he uses Snowflake to reduce costs, boost scalability, and maintain strict governance.

Financial Reporting









Single Source of Truth

Finance organizations tend to gatekeep information not because they want to, but because they have varying access control and performance regions. With Snowflake, you can easily create a centralized source of truth that empowers the entire organization to leverage data.

Supply Chain Analytics

Gain visibility into your supply chain and get a better understanding of your risks and what that means for your margin opportunity.

Stress Testing

With access to cross-asset class data, easily perform risk analytics and demonstrate sufficient market liquidity to meet CCAR reporting requirements.


Adopt a Value-Based Approach

Usage-based consumption and consumption-based pricing require a mindset shift from finance teams. While the consumption model is advantageous for the customer because there’s no financial waste (you only pay for what you use), this requires budgets to be variable rather than fixed and expenditures become operating expenses (opex) rather than capital expenses (capex). Financial managers benefit from adopting a value-based approach to financial assessments.

Increase Accuracy with Predictive Analytics

Predictive analytics makes forecasting more accurate and reliable, enabling improved decision-making and planning. Depending on your business, predictive analytics can help you forecast inventory needs, avoid shortages or waste, manage schedules and resourcing for goods and services, set prices based on trends, and optimize revenue.

FP&A Forecasting

Snowflake’s finance team uses the Data Cloud to power their corporate planning cycle, including forecasting revenue and other critical metrics.


Vendor Data Enrichment

Ensure supplier compliance across your across your organization by running it through a trusted master database.

Streamline the Buy-Side Process

Leverage available data to mitigate risks and enhance due dilligence. Easily access data regarding volumes and prices, service level agreements (SLAs), terminations, extensions, and more to reduce the amount of time spent per procurement task and optimize the buy-side process.

Share Data with Vendors Securely and Easily

Consolidate vendors and their data in one place to easily query performance, costs, and other key metics and spend less time managing this data for financial reporting.



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Prueba Snowflake de forma gratuita durante 30 días y experimenta el Data Cloud, que permite acabar con la complejidad, el coste y las restricciones inherentes a otras soluciones. Al estar disponible en las tres nubes principales, Snowflake admite una amplia gama de workloads, tales como Data Warehouse, Data Lake y Data Science.