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Workload Specializations
  • Cloud Data Warehouse
Snowpro Core Certifications: 33
Snowpro Advanced Certifications: 4

CDW Logistics LLC

Headquarters: United States

CDW Corporation is a leading multi-brand provider of information technology solutions to business, government, education and healthcare customers in the United States, the United Kingdom and Canada. A Fortune 500 company and member of the S&P 500 Index, CDW was founded in 1984 and employs approximately 14,900 coworkers.

Our broad array of products and services range from hardware and software to integrated IT solutions such as security, cloud, hybrid infrastructure and digital experience.

CDW’s Digital Velocity team, consisting of over 1200 engineers, provides organizations with world class expertise. As one of the leading global systems integrators partnering with Snowflake, we collaborate with clients to solve their deepest technical challenges and adopt patterns for success.

Snowflake Partner Network

Deliver more meaningful data insights with a robust array of tools and partners who will help make the most of your Snowflake investment.