Marketing Data Foundation Starter Guide
This quickstart shows how marketers can build a Snowflake Native App, unifying marketing and customer data for a robust, privacy-preserving strategy that boosts ROI.
Use first- and third-party native connectors available in Snowflake Marketplace to unify your marketing data into a single, AI-ready and scalable data platform.
Simplify complex campaign reporting and maximize intelligence of your marketing data with Snowflake Cortex AI’s fully managed LLMs and machine learning.
Precisely monitor ad spend, conversions and return on ad spend across all channels. Connect marketing, advertising, sales, finance and customer data for a holistic view, unlocking advanced measurement like marketing mix modeling.
In the past, our analytics product was breaking even. Now, with Snowflake, we’re not only profitable, but we’re passing that savings on to our clients as well.”
See how Snowflake can support the campaign intelligence use case with the Solution Center.
Leverage leading data and marketing applications listings for consumer and enterprise marketing, without moving or copying data.
Build the future of your marketing analytics and measurement use cases by connecting essential systems integrators, technology providers and marketing applications directly in your Snowflake account.
Try Snowflake free for 30 days and experience the AI Data Cloud that helps eliminate the complexity, cost and constraints inherent with other solutions.
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