BUILD: The Dev Conference for AI & Apps (Nov. 12-14)

Hear the latest product announcements and push the limits of what can be done in the AI Data Cloud.

Mitigating Risk with Third-Party Data- Learning From the Texas Power Crisis

The 2021 Texas power crisis resulting from three severe winter storms left millions of homes and businesses without power, some for several days. Let’s look at how business leaders, industrial and commercial leaders, and energy market participants alike can use third-party data to identify the conditions and mitigate the impacts of such an event.

Join us on May 6 at 9 a.m. PT for a live webinar and Q&A session to hear from Yes Energy’s Director of Data Products, Sonya Gustafson to learn:

  • How ERCOT, the Texas power market, works and key data that impacts the market
  • Ways to use third-party data to better understand the indicators and warning signs of future power crises
  • How to optimize the power of third-party data to mitigate financial risks from variable wholesale energy rates

Register now to attend the event live or receive the webinar replay.