LLM Evaluation
Snowflake AI Research Blogs and Publications
We believe in a thriving research community, and we are committed to sharing our insights as we advance AI research focused on the tools, systems and algorithm optimizations for performant yet cost-effective LLM training and inference for everyone.
25 Results
Newest - Oldest
LLM Training
CCpdf: Building a High Quality Corpus for Visually Rich Documents from Web Crawl Data
LLM Evaluation
Notes on Applicability of GPT-4 to Document Understanding
LLM Evaluation
GEval: Tool for Debugging NLP Datasets and Models
LLM Evaluation
Named Entity Recognition - Is there a glass ceiling?
LLM Architecture
LLM Evaluation
From Dataset Recycling to Multi-Property Extraction and Beyond
LLM Evaluation
Contract Discovery: Dataset and a Few-Shot Semantic Retrieval Challenge with Competitive Baselines
LLM Architecture
ApplicaAI at SemEval-2020 Task 11: On RoBERTa-CRF, Span CLS and Whether Self-Training Helps Them