Circular Economy Systems Targets A Waste-Free World with the Help of the Data Cloud

Snowflake has become a fundamental platform for this eco-tech scaleup to enable a circular economy for beverage packaging — and a more sustainable future.



Containers returned daily

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Sydney, NSW
Snowflake Workloads Used
Story Highlights
  • Reduced cost for easier scaling: Moving to the Snowflake Data Cloud allowed Circular Economy Systems (CES) to decouple storage and compute, significantly lowering costs and enabling the company to grow efficiently.

  • A unified database to meet business needs: With one unified database globally, teams can log in anywhere in the world and run jobs whenever they need it.

  • Out-of-the-box security and governance: The platform’s baked-in security and governance features were critical for CES, and the team has been able to push boundaries thanks to the power and ease of the Snowflake Data Cloud.

Video Transcript

Circular Economy Systems is an exciting eco-tech scale up, making a positive impact on the world through our industry solution for container deposit schemes.

Our market leading products and services help new recycling schemes launch successfully from day one. Meaning, we can accelerate the positive difference these make to people, communities, and the environment.

Fundamentally, we enable a genuine circular economy for beverage packaging.

Our technology supports the collection of drink containers, the payment of refunds to the community, and the tracking of materials back to the beginning of their new life. Getting quality streams of recycled materials back to manufacturers is critical to a sustainable future. In partnership with our client, and technology partners like Snowflake, we're supporting eight million containers being returned each day.

This is significantly increasing recycling rates and has literally diverted billions of beverage containers from landfill. We work closely with scheme coordinators, beverage manufacturers, governments, and recycling operators, to support the full life cycle of a beverage container.

Since we started in 2017, we are proud to have processed over ten billion containers through our platforms.

Which equates to more than 35 million refund transactions, and of that, of course, translates to a huge volume of data.

Prior to Snowflake, we really struggled with the flow of our data.

We tend to experience peaks and troughs on a daily basis and we could not effectively manage the off peak periods. It was not only difficult to manage, but expensive.

One of the core reasons we selected the Snowflake Data Cloud was the ability to decouple compute and storage. Which not only reduced our costs significantly, but enabled us to scale up scale out. In line with the needs of our business, we now have one centralized database globally enabling our teams to log in anywhere in the world and run jobs whenever they need it.

The other critical factor in our decision was to build in security and governance provided out of the box. The Snowflake data cloud is fundamental to how we now operate as a business. Our team loves it. It's easy to use. It's powerful, and it's allowed us to push boundaries that we never thought possible. We're really excited about the partnership with Snowflake and look forward to achieving our mission of a waste-free world together.

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